Expert Business Mediation in San Diego: Alireza's Approach to Labor & Employment Disputes

Strategically Tailored Solutions for Resolving Business Conflicts

Alireza’s Strategic Approach: In the realm of Labor & Employment Law, Alireza brings a unique blend of expertise and creativity to the mediation process, ensuring that parties benefit from tailored solutions that address their specific needs and expectations.

Convening for Success: Alireza initiates the mediation process with convening, a pivotal step aimed at customizing the process to suit the preferences of all parties involved. Through strategic communication, Alireza fosters willingness among all stakeholders to engage in mediation, setting the stage for productive dialogue and resolution.

Opening Session: The mediation journey commences with an opening session facilitated by Alireza, providing a secure space for each party to articulate their viewpoints comprehensively. Leveraging various presentation methods, counsel can effectively summarize their case, laying the foundation for constructive discussions.

Private Caucuses: Transitioning into confidential private caucuses, Alireza serves as a facilitator, guiding parties through discussions to establish the core issues in dispute and litigation goals. Drawing on his extensive advocacy background, Alireza may adopt an evaluative approach to assist parties in evaluating potential trial outcomes and settlement values.

Follow-Up: Cases that are not resolved during an initial mediation session can almost always be resolved shortly thereafter through continued follow-up with the parties. Todd has been described as being “tenacious” in his approach to follow-up. With the permission of counsel, Todd can continue settlement negotiations telephonically to resolution, or work with the parties to re-convene the mediation.

Strategic Briefing: Alireza encourages the submission of briefs, providing a comprehensive overview of facts, issues, damages, and previous settlement discussions. By facilitating the exchange of relevant information, Alireza ensures that parties are well-prepared for productive mediation sessions.

Strategic Solutions: Above all, Alireza’s approach to mediation prioritizes strategy, creativity, and effective communication, fostering an environment conducive to constructive dialogue and resolution of disputes. With Alireza at the helm, parties can navigate complex business conflicts with confidence, knowing that their interests are in capable hands.


Navigating Your Mediation Needs in San Diego: Selecting the Right Neutral


Mediating Labor & Employment Disputes in San Diego: Expert Insights from Alireza Alivandivafa